Unable to actually do anything with any of the invoices or requisitions. Was not able to view the content. It seems like the app was an afterthought. Update, still crashes when viewing purchase requisitions. 6/9/21
You have to pay for additional licensing to use this app. You can't use a web browser anymore, because their platform was built on the antiquated flash player, which is no longer supported. Now there's a desktop app which is clunky and lacks any thought as to how users would want to use it. I'd go elsewhere entirely.
Poor service The employees are very terse and often tell you to approve invoices that are late because they are sitting on it after I approve it. "Yooz" someone else.
Ça marche maintenant. On peut enfin prendre en photo ses factures avec Android 8
Pour une application qui s'adresse aux professionnels je trouve cela très moyen qu'en termes de sécurité cela charge automatiquement toutes les factures consultées sur le périphérique local de plus sans prévenir l'utilisateur et sans compter la place prise au bout de plusieurs mois...